Titles are not necessary

Hello, my name is Nathan. I have spent many years dabbling with college and this is my last. I like to build things, and currently I am working for a local builder who specializes in natural and old-world style building. I am interested in the history of humanity, languages included. I would like to learn as many languages (or dialects, as the case may be) as possible during my life. At this point, I know only one fluently. I have some skills in Latin American Spanish, although my vocabulary is limited. I spent some time in Costa Rica and Mexico, and I am aware of and can understand some of of the creole that is spoken on the east coast of central America (I have a funny story about that). I am enrolled in this course because I expect that it will help to clarify some of the aspects of languages that are vague to me and improve my currently foggy understanding of the components that make up human language.